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Continuing Education → Medical Sector → Medical Terminology

Introduction to Medical Terminology


This course is approved for 1.0 CE credits through CEAP and 0.1 CE credits through IMIA.

The first course in our medical terminology series. There is a video and a self-paced reading section for this course. Information on the purpose of high register medical terminology and how it is used. A break-down of the structure of medical terms and what each part means in the deciphering of complex terms. Tips on how to learn and retain medical vocabulary and fine-tune your terminology knowledge.

CE Credits: 1.0/0.1

  • Intro to medical terms video
  • Understanding Med Terms unit
  • Knowledge check
  • Glossary of prefixes, roots and suffixes
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever